That ICPA NT ensure the NT Department of Education and Training subsidises the full amount of school room internet to families, and remains a key participant and advisor to the Department of Education and Training regarding the provision required for distance education.
As all Katherine School of the Air students have now transitioned to private internet providers in their home schoolrooms, it is imperative that families are able to afford adequate internet packages for their students’ needs. The NT Education Act states that access to a public education must be free, and for Distance Education Students, access to reliable internet is crucial to enabling delivery of a standard public-school education. The cost of schoolroom internet must be met by the Territory Government. Every classroom is unique, and families need flexibility to find the most appropriate internet solution for their situation. The cost of schoolroom internet, startup costs and monthly fees must be met by the NT Government. Starlink is recommended by Katherine School of the Air IT Department and the startup cost for families is currently $349 + $34 shipping, it was $599 + $30 shipping in December 2024. The hardware cost fluctuates throughout the year.